Having the oppourtunity to connect with fellow educators across the province through the C2C conference was very eye-opening for me as far as showing me what can be possible as well as questioning what I already know. I found a lot of what I took in from each session had everything to do with place-based learning, getting outside and making learning meaningful. The first session I was in was based on how to use tech due to the pandemic but in a way that is still getting kids outside and is engaging. A lot of the platforms that were presented to us I was familiar with at this point being a fully online student for a few months of this program but there were a few others that were super interesting. For example, there was a platform that worked as a sort of an interactive map where you could post pictures and tag locations so it would show up on the map. We were asked to go take a walk outside and take some pencil crayons and match the colour with colours of things we found in nature, we then took pictures of them and posted it on this map. For a session like this where people were all over the province, it was incredible to see the difference of place through these photos and also the orientation of everyone on the map. AI will include one of my pictures in this post. nother big idea that the presenters of this session had was to include all senses in the activities that were presented and to “wake them up” which I really liked. What I took from this session was the idea that technology is a great tool but it can be more than just sitting in a dark room on a computer, You can use it to be a cross-curricular tool that can help you bring in all facets of learning. Another thought I do have on this though is that as we are in a pandemic technology is a good way to combat the lost face-to-face interaction but it still has to be done in a way that is useful instead of just using it for the sake of using it. The other two sessions I went to also presented a lot of land-based programing that was really shaped by their community such as the Salmon based education program in the Shuswap area. What I would like to take from this experience is that the possibilities can be endless if you can find the right support and resources, which can take time. I guess what I mean is that the status quo can be very comfy and work well but that shouldn’t let that keep us from striving to explore new ways of learning and meaningful experiences for our students.
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