Assessment for Learning
Assessment for learning in my opinoin is something that is constantly occuring in the classroom. When you hear the word “asessment” the first thing that comes to mind is something that is final , or written and marked or assessed based on a scale. This is not assessment for learning though it is assessment as learning. Formative assessment however is assessment for learning because its something that is constact and can help give your studnets feedback and tips to help them meet the learning intention. I find this type of assessment very crucial to supporting studnets because to teach someone you do not just stop being there teacher after the lesson and they are on their own with whatever assignment or activity they are doing. You are their teacher the whole way through and that means supporting their learning the entire time they are in your room. Assessment for learning is just as the name implies; feedback to help your students learn. This type of assessment I find comes natural and can happen at many different times in the classroom wether it be discussing ideas during a lesson or giving feedback to stduents as they complete actvivities. A structured way you can do this with studnets is to do two stars and a wish so that you are higlighting both strenths and stretches for studnets. I really like this format because if we were to just point out stetches for students it might deter them from feeling pride in their work and what they are doing. Nobody is perfect, so we can always look for ways to improve but this mindset can become exhausting for indivudals because it creates a sense of never being “done or satisfied”. So, to include and highlight strengths as well as stretches this can help encourage students.
A few links to start with or refer to:
Transforming Assessment – BC’s New Curriculum
BC’s K-12 Assessment System – BC’s New Curriculum
Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Assessment for Learning
Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Assessment Strategies
Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Formative Assessment
Assessment: The Bridge Between Teaching and Learning – from Voices in the Middle, Volume 21, Number 2, December 2013