Values and Goals
Reflecting on what is important and where I want to go… from here.
When trying to muster all the things that I find important when it comes to being a student, a teacher and really a human being in general about a thousand things come to mind. I realize that it really would not be very exciting for me to list off all those things in a ginormous post for you to read, so I figured I would settle for a few. I think the thing that I find important is independence for myself and for my learners, and this can go hand in hand with social-emotional awareness. I like to group these two together because I would like to create a future classroom where students are supported enough to make their own decisions but also be emotionally secure enough to understand the cause and effect of those choices. I want to make sure that I am fostering critical thinking in my students by not solving every problem for them. Of course, I want to be there to offer help and support but I believe that if, as educators, we created a persona that presented to our students that we hold all the knowledge and it somehow will be granted to them at a certain time this may create ideas for them that they might not have what it take to gain that knowledge within them. Do not get me wrong, as an educator I am here to guide students the best I can but I really would like for students to feel as if they already have everything they need, learning will just grow along the way with them. That leads me to my second point which is support. As an educator I want be able to create strong connections with my students so that they know I care. This also is very important for when studnets are coming into the classrrom space so that they feel safe and comfertable in their learning space.
When it comes to myself perosnally I would say that I value fun and understanding. I thik this translates to my classrrom because I want my studnets to have fun when they are learning. Having said that though your students as well as you can be at varying degrees of energy throughout the day so for me its important to check in and know what your studnets can handle and what you can handle. Overall, I want to create a safe and fun classroom environment for my studnets and also a fun and manageable practice for myself.